Red Rock Cod | ||||||
Name: Local common name: Scientific name: Family: TL: Width[excl fins]: Wgt: Water: Depth: Habitat: Food value: Local water: Identifications: |
Red Rock Cod A subspecies of Red Rock cod[Australia] Scorpaena cardinalis Scorpaenidae [Scorpionfishes or rockfishes] 21 cm 5.8 cm 192 gm Marine Rocks, crevices & caverns at all depths. Edible. No, only found in Australia & New Zealand Quite identical to another rock fish, "Scorpaena papillosa[Red Rock cod]" Credit goes to Nicolas Bailly from Fishbase, Paris, France, in helping in the identifications of this fish. And also to Wunson, Vampiro, both fr Sg; Cool crab fr HK,China; Adam fr USA; Larry Johnson fr Canada, whom all have help out in one way or another. |
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