My 4th Offshore Fishing Trip off Changi[12/02/03] |
Set off at about 8.30 am to the shallow waters off Tekong island, got a few snappers & groupers. Head out east to a few deep spots.... end up with very poor results, only 1 grunters. Do not know where all the fishes disappeared to? Went holiday too..:) Went back to the shallow waters to try again. Baits used were only live prawns. Waters were quite calm thru' out. Final tally: 17 groupers[of which 3 precious Coralgroupers, 1 Malabar grouper & the rest Orange-spotted groupers]; 9 snappers[1 John's & 1 Spanish flag snapper]; 4 tuskfishes; 3 sweetlips; 3 croakers; 2 emperors; 1 grunter; 1 seaperch..........40 fishes[excluding catfishes & fishes less than 20 cm]. |
***Click on the fish to view the details*** |
***Take note that ALL fishes in the pic are at least 20 cm above & ALL groupers are 25 cm above. Example: The croakers may look small but it's in the adulthood as this species of croakers do not grow big[max size are less than 30 cm]. Some of the fishes are used for "identifications & specimens photo-taking."[refer to main page]. |
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Since 16 Feb 2003 |